THIRSTY RECORDS Co-Founder JACK SPRAT, a.k.a Lowball Jack, ShoePhone Jackson, Jack Friederichsen
(b) 12.6.1966 (d) 8.3.2020










Thirsty Records Tribute: Jack Sprat, A Life in Music, an audio motion picture tribute to Thirsty Records co-founder Jack Sprat, a.k.a. Lowball Jack, ShoePhone Jackson, Jack Friederichsen (1966-2020) is available now!. Help us celebrate the life and music of our great friend and Confabulator.


Created by Thirsty Records co-founder Ted Bunch in memorandum of more than 40 years of friendship, adventure & music.
Listen to Full Length Audio Tracks from motion picture \”Thirsty Records Tribute: Jack Sprat, A Life in Music on Thirsty Records SoundCloud
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